Independent artist and musician. I also helped judge the Poetry slam and Treasure hunt events in 2024!



Marc Brunet's Art School

Joined on 3/4/22

Exp Points:
6,134 / 6,400
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Vote Power:
6.57 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Pvt. First Class
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B/P Bonus:
1y 7m 17d

YendorNG's News

Posted by YendorNG - 2 weeks ago



6:30pm - ??? @ Marty Magee's Irish Pub

1110 Lincoln Ave, Prospect Park, PA 19076

Hey NewGrounds, Getting tired of these epic meetups?



The SHORT SHORT FILM FESTIVAL run by Lee Thompson of the @barnhouse collective is again up and running this year. Since 2019 it features animation from local artists big and small! This includes animators from NewGrounds as well! (hi.)


There is also a special discount for film goers at the local wyndham hotel!!!

Click here for more info!

See you there! o/

Also, if you submitted a film and was selected to be viewed at the location, please PM me!

If you are coming, please comment on this post!

------ WALL OF ATTENDANCE ------

@barnhouse @MechanicalMantis @tomfulp @wegra @yendorng



Posted by YendorNG - 1 month ago


You'll never be this happy meeting Tom Fulp holding a pig.

Also pictured in the back Psychogoldfish (head turned), Bleek-creep, Tyler.

The TMG event this year was certainly was quite a turn around for me. After being stuck working on my animation project for so long and being cooped up and depressed, the day finally came I could go out and have some fun!

The day on Friday started with me having to meet and rescue @quent-pro from the philly train station and checked into thier hotel room. Next we both drove over to eat breakfast at the Reading Terminal Market where we linked up with @psychogoldfish @raviolibox @teravex @luis and some other folks who's name escapes at the moment, feel free to message me your name if you were with us!

We also had a nice leisurely walk through downtown and saw some sights:


LOVE Philly statue.


Praise Dobler!!!


Awesome Mural!


Splash-pad (children were playing in these to keep cool)


Iconic Philly Clocktower

We then stopped to cool off and have some cold drinks in the city center:


Then onward later we had a little food at the The Cheesecake factory. Everyone was just too un-energized in the pictures I got so I won't show it! :)

We then eventually got to the meetup! Here is the anticipated video featuring interviews from @ Erasmus? @wayyward @hekdiggity @bleek-creep @beefythunder @elliedoodles343 @rappinawful @kingcrowned @nicksenny @tamag0 @chourios and @pippykins !

Also after the meet I got to wonder the convention abit with @elliedoodles343 :


Not pictured anywhere we all went down to a small bar nearby and it was PACKED, I however did eventually snag a seat at the bar and got to have a nice long conversation with someone I really do consider a true friend. I think @Raviolibox has some pictures of that and I'm sure she'll share them when she gets the time to.

Overall, it was the magical experience that I didn't get to experience at picoday. I'm glad to have met you all again (and some for the first time!). I look forward to our next meet (whenever that will be) but I have the strength now to continue my own projects, and its good to know some folks are looking out for me, and I, them. <3

If I missed something, let me know! I got to get back to real life and this very stupid long script I have to finish writing. Till then, Drink plenty of water!




Posted by YendorNG - 1 month ago

Heya folks!

If you been following the AIM contest for the audio portal I'd like to let you know that he Fan-Favorites voting is now underway! Check out this thread for the rules and to submit your favorites: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1535830

Here are the playlists you can listen to that have qualified!:

I did make an entry for this contest and hope for your support! Check it out here!:

Hope you are having a cool summer! Its really hot here in PA. Take care and drink plenty of water!

--YendorNG :)



Posted by YendorNG - June 8th, 2024

Hi NewGrounds!

I don't usually post about other's work but I would like to implore the community to support @ekouku 's project "Pieces of Powder.":

"Pieces of Powder is an independently produced animated series. Follow the story of Powder, a teenage girl who deals with a variety of insecurities and anxieties that significantly impact her relationships. When she meets Marcy, a dynamic force that unexpectedly complements her, Powder's high school journey takes a drastic turn. As their bond deepens, Powder finds herself confronted with long-buried issues and struggles she has evaded for far too long, and goes on a journey to learn how to accept everything about herself, the good, and the bad."

Please check it out, as the pilot will be released July 5th!

Here is some art work I did recently of the main character!

Take care out there, and remember: "Every piece matters."

--YendorNG :)



Posted by YendorNG - May 29th, 2024


Courtesy of into action: https://library.into-action.us/media/23936/

Hi NewGrounds, Seems Spring is speeding us by and we are just full on into summer now, and I am personally stumbling into it and my summer is not starting out great. I'll get to that in a moment but first, here is what's going on

Art Inspired Music (AIM) Contest Entry

If you are not familiar with AIM, its where musicians are sent out to the art portal and asked to find something that inspires them to write music based on that piece. Here is my entry:

I am more well known for writing obnoxiously fast and upbeat rave/club music, but I have been exploring some other themes and moods since the beginning of this year. AIM gave me a chance to let out some more of the sad side of my creative self and boy did I deliver based on that art Jeskin did. Nice 808 beat with some lyrics written and sung by me, I put it under nerdcore because well... I'm a nerd.

If you are interested in participating, the contest will be on-going until the 17th, here a post with more information!

Treasure Hunt 2024 Judge

This is a bit late: but I have been selected as a judge for the Treasure Hunt event that was held back in March. We were supposed to conclude April, but this got pushed back, and I was brought onboard to assist. we should be concluding soon-ish.

Trading cards

I participated in making a card for the Pico-Day, come look at our handiwork!

Odds and Ends


Is this your card?

As I mentioned in previous blogs I'm formally homeless and I have alot of anxiety issues as a result (whomp-whomp), I did attend the Pico-Day event, and came away with a lot more understanding of a personal problem: I don't like big gatherings, and I became not myself, and was angry and scared. I should have walked away and waited in my car, but silly me decided to stick around, and based on working with my doctor and therapist, I had a on and off anxiety attack. I took in everything people said to me as a negative, and I said the wrong things to and about people who I considered my friends. I came away with less then what I hoped when I went, and for the last week or so I have been torn up about it. I'm sorry. :'(

All I can do is remember this will pass, there will be plenty more events to attend and new people to meet and greet and network with. I am now on medication to help with this, and I look forward to seeing forks at the TMG meetup in June. Besides, people who do know me best will be there and I look forward to hanging out with them again just like we did last year. I will not cower in the shadow of my own anxiety. Life goes on and I am going to go on with it, good and bad.

But hey, a positive thing I did at the event didn't go unnoticed-- Ramen-Noodiles who really enjoyed getting out to the event hurt their ankle, and I offered to carry them on my back halfway back to the car:


Guess I am kinda sorta-ok guy. (shrug)

-I did have a close call at the warehouse (work). Two actually: a metal bicycle cage fell out from its shelf and whacked me on the head. Luckily I was wearing my hardhat at the time. But that could have been ugly. Another incident today was when I was pulling a rolling cage full of heavy stuff and the back of my heal got caught under a wheel. The shoe warped and bounced back the cage and scared the shit out of me. Luckily, I invested in some very expensive boots and that investment today saved me. I highly recommend Keen brand boots. This one specifically. It kicks ass!

-Not withstanding the above I need a new job that won't kill me.

-I did some other writing this month on a long-term project. Maybe by the end of this year I'll start a casting call for voice work just like I did for Kamen-Rider.

-My relative last month reported she is pregnant with a baby boy and the family will be welcoming a new family member in October. I bought a nice crib mobile for them. I am going to be the coolest uncle. :)

-Looking at buying a new piano to help along with writing music. But where to put it in my very limited space, I do not know... might wait until 2026 when I can afford to move out into something bigger then where I am now.

Anyway, I think that covers it for now. See you in July o/

